Jean-Michel Gaigné retires as Chair of TransEurope

Jean-Michel Gaigné

  • After more than 2 decades of dedication to the renowned pan-European network of marinas, Jean-Michel Gaigné CMM has decided to pass the baton to the younger generation of marina managers.

  • TransEurope members rally to thank Jean-Michel Gaigné for his considerable contributions to the association.

Popular industry figure Jean-Michel Gaigné CMM has announced his retirement as Chair of TransEurope Marinas, handing over the helm to Maarten Desloovere CMM, manager of VY Nieuwpoort in Belgium, who steps up after 3 years as Vice-Chair.

Voice of experience Mieke Vleugels CMM, owner and manager of Jachthaven Wetterwille in the Netherlands, has been voted in as Vice-Chair, with Poole Quay’s Kerrie Gray as Secretary and Nienke Zetzema from Jachthaven Waterland as Treasurer.

The collaborative nature of TransEurope Marinas is representative of the best aspects of the boating industry, namely the desire to share good practice, help support others and work for the benefit of the whole boating community.

No-one personifies this more than Jean-Michel Gaigné, whose conviviality and professionalism spans international boundaries with ease, and whose roles within ICOMIA, European Boating Industry, The Yacht Harbour Association and the Blue Flag have delivered insights, networking opportunities and collaborations.

Charles Bush CMM, manager of Mayflower Marina in the UK, who has himself spent decades as a steward of TransEurope, said:

After two stints as Chairman, spanning a total of 13 years, as well as looking after the finances, recruiting new member marinas across Europe, and representing the organisation on an international stage, Jean-Michel Gaigné is the embodiment of TransEurope Marinas. He has worked tirelessly for the good of the organisation and under his watch we have seen TransEurope Marinas grow from a small cross-channel initiative to one comprising 80 members from 12 European countries.   We are indebted to Jean-Michel for all that he has done on our collective behalf over many years.

Mieke Vleugels recalled that:

Jean-Michel and I really got acquainted at the World Marinas Conference in Singapore in 2011. With his backpack and friendly demeanour, he reminded me of a character straight out of a Jacques Tati film. Back then he was still active as a marina manager in France, but in the years that followed he set his sights on the global scene. His never-diminishing interest in the world-wide marina industry has inspired me and many others. While sharing his knowledge, he always remains modest and open-minded with a typical French sense of humour that makes him well-liked by all. Merci Jean-Michel pour tout. On ne dit pas adieu, mais à bientôt!

Renata Marevic CMM, manager of Marina Punat in Croatia, described Jean-Michel’s contributions as “outstanding”, and credited his “incredible hard work, passion, and unwavering dedication over the years.” Supporting Maarten as the new Chair she added:

Maarten brings with him a wealth of experience, as Manager of one of the largest marinas in Europe. His expertise and visionary approach will be invaluable in leading TransEurope Marinas into the future, and I am confident that under his leadership, our network will continue to grow and innovate.

Jean-Michel Gaigné, who works as a consultant for the marine tourism and nautical industry, as a member of Global Marine Business Advisors network, remains highly committed to the marina industry. He will remain with the group as Honorary Chair and has promised to continue supporting TransEurope Marinas members and to keep an eye on things!