TransEurope Marinas is privileged to work with Pick a Pier, whose team manages the popular platform that facilitates berthing discounts for boaters based in member marinas.

Thanks to our digital partners Pick a Pier, marinas that have promoted TransEurope benefits amongst resident boaters have successfully managed to both increase boater movement to outside marinas and also to attract new visitors.

Membership benefits can vastly reduce the cost of berthing during a cruising route around the marina. Using the Pick a Pier platform also helps with reducing friction and conveying essential boater information quickly and smoothly to destination marinas. Keep a record of your redeemed nights and find inspiration for your next cruising voyage.

Tips for boaters:

  • Requesting a digital card has never been simpler. Do you know you can request one directly from your phone or computer?
  • Want to renew your card? You can do that in just a few clicks using Pick a Pier.
  • Have a few partners in the same boat? It is now possible to add partners to your digital account and share your membership card, boat documents, and more.

Tips for marinas:

  • Need to add many members at once? Contact Pick a Pier, and we will handle it for you.
  • Our data shows that more than 95% of members are eligible for renewing their card. Did you know you can automatically renew all membership cards with no hassle? Use the “Auto-renew” feature.
  • As members of the Trans-Europe marinas scheme, all marinas have access to top-tier innovation within the industry, including Pick-a-Pier’s first patent-pending software. The platform aligns perfectly with the future of the boating industry, which is focused on being smarter, more sustainable, and more efficient. Get in touch for more information.

If you are still looking to create your Pick a Pier membership card  – or as a marina, would like advice on how to help boaters create their cards, then contact