Nestled between the dune of the point of Cabourg on the starboard side and the wooded hills of Houlgate on the port side, the estuary of Dives-sur-Mer is an exceptional natural surroundings. remarkably sheltered behind a dune field, the anchorages on the river “la Dives” and marina of Port Guillaume offer safe haven, comfort and facilities for an restful and successful port of call.

Dives-sur-Mer, the medieval city where William the Conqueror gathered his fleet, is also full of charm with its historical monuments as the Old Halles, the church or the art village Guillaume le Conquérant. Nearly the sandy beaches of Cabourg and Houlgate, the area offers a wealth of nautical activities.

Dives-Cabourg-Houlgate is part of the Ports du Calvados group.